Silke Glaab, currently residing in UAE, Dubai. She is a Certified Behavior Change Expert / Personal Success Strategist / Interpersonal Communication Trainer. She works with people who want to be ELEVATED above the current state of thinking and behaving, who want to contribute their BEST to this world, and to LEAD in(to) the future!
Before coming to Dubai, she worked with T-Online, German International Cooperation (GIZ) in Kenya, and International Schools. She was a research assistant for Prof. Dr. Spitzer, one of Germany’s leading neuroscientist. She was personally trained by Prof. Dr. James Kennedy on neuroscience coaching. Silke holds a master’s degree in psychology and is an NLP Master Practitioner, Systemic Coach, Theta Healer and Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner (Marisa Peer), elevating her sessions to an intersection of therapy, coaching, and healing.