The HR Revolution Way – After conducting and publishing hundreds of interviews with global industry leaders and processing research studies about work culture, entrepreneurship, career shifting, management and leadership development, with HR Revolution Middle East (, the founder came up with practical solutions to solve today’s HR challenges, which include employee retention, happiness, performance management, employee engagement, leadership sustainability, knowledge management, loyalty, fairness and equal opportunities, productivity and collaboration with stakeholders.
As a leader, this book has tools of HR practices and detailed models for managers, CEOs and HR leaders that will transform the work culture, leadership mindset, productivity and communication to a higher level of integrity, comfort and confidence leading to developing an intellectual and innovative working environment.
The methodology used throughout the book in building an agile HR system is entirely based on a “360-degree” collaborative and comprehensive approach where everyone is part of the success.
Knowledge is not only about asking questions that would inspire the readers and learners, but it also provides practical, well-organized and direct solutions, while sharing the know-how of tailoring such solutions to fit different working environments.
“The gap we find in today’s workplace is not a gap between generations, ideologies or practices, but the gap exists because there is a lack of a harmonized system to synchronize all this magnificent diversity. I have learnt flexibility, harmony and agility from working with youth, and I have learnt organizing, discipline and proficiency working with the corporate world. I designed a system that aligns between both, where youth can apply in managing their initiatives in a more organized manner and practitioners like myself can use to create an agile HR system that will positively and smoothly transform the organizational culture, decision making efficiency and product innovation.”
– Mahmoud Mansi, Founder of HR Revolution Middle East & Author of Sustaining a 360° Agile Workplace.
Copyright © 2022 Mahmoud Mansi, All rights reserved.