Community Times Magazine

Interviewer: Giuseppina Grillo “Diversity is often mistaken by bringing individuals from different backgrounds and putting them to work together in certain boundaries, frames or policies. However the source of people diversity is actually the diversity of ideas, personalities and tastes, and with this diversity organizational alchemy is created…” Mahmoud Mansi ABOUT THE INTERVIEWEE Author of Holy […]

Last Metro

محمود منسي.. بين دبي وإسبانيا والسودان هناك رحلة يمكن أن تغير حياتك حينما نتحدث عن الخبرات الحياتية والعملية ينبغي أن نبحث عن رموز مؤثرة في المجتمع تفاعلت معه و تفاعل معها وإندمجا بشكل أو بآخر، ومن هذة الرموز التي نلتقي بها دوما في آخر مترو لنلقي عليها الضوء لتنير مجتمعنا بشكل إيجابي، ومن هنا جاءت فكرة لقائنا […]

Your Middle East

Q&A with the man behind Egypt’s “Forgotten Writers” Your Middle East picks the brain of Mahmoud Mansi, founder of the Forgotten Writers Foundation, which, inspired by the Egyptian revolution, is aiming to encourage writers to present different perspectives of controversial topics.   Can you tell us about the Forgotten Writers Foundation? The Forgotten Writers Foundation […]

Lip Magazine

Mahmoud Mansi, Egyptian Journalist and writer, one of the founders of the ‘Forgotten Writers Foundation’ started a writing competition a little over a year ago to spread Egyptian culture through the world. “I wanted to achieve globalisation in literature,” he says. “I was in Egypt, and our bookstores are full of books from China, from […]

BOC Interview

Mahmoud Mansi is an eight-times global TEDx speaker, a Human Capital Consultant, Auditor and Trainer, a CommunityService Activist, an Award-winning Author and the Founder & Chairperson of ‘HR Revolution Middle East Magazine’. As an expert in his field, Mahmoud has been invited to judge several global business awards such as the ’International Brilliance Awards, UK […]

The HR Observer

A lot has changed in the space of human resources over the past several decades. Gone, in large part, are the personnel departments whose focus was solely processing of employee pay and benefits. The more pressing question for HR professionals is no longer how to get a seat at the table, it is how best […]

GroSum Magazine

Mahmoud Mansi is a dedicated HR innovation laborer and a passionate CSR activist. Mahmoud has a 360° of experience in HR working as a practitioner, trainer, MBA lecturer, consultant, business journalist, in addition to pursuing his passion as an award-winning author he is now the founder of HR Revolution Middle East Magazine. Mahmoud has spoken […]

HR Focus Magazine

This edition is spiced differently to bring you holistic solutions and ideas on your health, finances, diet, and of course, your corporate personality in the HR mélange. Get sizzling articles from our writers and spotlights from some of our most revered personalities.

The Performance Magazine

In 2016, the Performance Magazine editorial team interviewed Mahmoud Mansi, Founder of HR Revolution Middle East, Egypt. His thoughts and views on Performance Management are detailed below. I strongly believe that for it to be completely fair, performance management should be directly linked to the talents of the person. Trends Which were the 2015 key trends in […]

Democracy Chronicles

Presenting an interview with entrepreneur Mahmoud Mansi, a longtime Democracy Chronicles writer and the Founder of HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine based in Alexandria, Egypt. 1. Where were you first introduced to the idea of launching your own magazine: HR Revolution Middle-East (www.HRrevolution.ME)? I was inspired to start this magazine in December 2014. That’s when I was first introduced […]